1V1 dribbling through the gates is a soccer dribbling drill. Players 8 years and above can practice this drill. The equipment needed is a large number of flat cones and bibs of two different colors. In the following explanation, we will take the colors to be blue and white. The setup of this drill involves practicing it on a large field with a bunch of “cone gates” almost one yard apart from each other. Coaches will then pair up players and one of the two players will need a soccer ball. This drill will begin with a warm up.
Have half of the players wear white and the other half blue. Have a white and a blue player correspond with each other with one ball for every match. This is just a 1v1 match where the players attempt to score as many points as possible by dribbling through as many gateways they can. The white player begins with the ball and tries to score as much as would be possible in the first one minute half. On the off chance that the blue player wins the ball, then she/he tries to score the goals.
The main confinement is that the players cannot dribble through a similar gate two times in row. Following a one minute half, they stretch and rest for a moment, then play the second half with the blue player beginning with the ball. With a group of 16 players, there will be 8 games of 1v1 going ahead in the meantime. This will urge the players to try and dribble with their heads up .Towards the end of the second half, you may give the winner a chance to rest for a moment while the defeated player does some sort of punishment, for example, several push-ups.
One progression of this drill, which will begin with switching fields and working with space, is set up precisely the same with the gates similar as before. It‘s basically a similar game with the significant change being that there is one and only ball for the entire group. Thus, now it’s the majority of the whites against the blues. Keeping in mind the end goal is to score, the ball must be gone through a gate and be received by a fellow teammate. These are the main rules that should be clarified.