Weaving Drill
This drill is a way to simply practice fancy feet work and change players paces very quickly so that they can be the most effective attackers possible. To start with this drill, place a number of cones in a line, approximately 5 feet from each other. To begin the circuit, line the players and blow a whistle. The task of each player is to weave between the cones and use their outside legs to push off. When the player is able to get at the end of the line, he/she will turn and return to the line on order to complete this cone drill again. The coach needs to time the entire team the first time though, and see if they can beat their time.
Front Cut
One defender, one feeder and one worker and cones can be used for this exercise. The cones are used as a direction to drive towards. The defender and the worker start square to that of the feeder’s position. With having placed the defender on the inside of the worker, the task of the worker is to run forward, stop swiftly and then sprint forwards in order to cut the defender off.
Half Turn
In this drill, you will again want three players in the same positions. Cones will again be used for this half turn exercise. The cones will be used exactly as before, as a point to drive towards. Players will start from behind and to move towards the side of the feeder, the defender and worker will stand next to one another, but instead of having to drive forward in a sprint, the worker will have to half-turn backwards in order to throw off the defender, pivot back forward and then drive off. This drill works on reaction time, agility and speed.
Straight Sprint
Three players and cones are used for this drill as well. While the feeder, defender and worker stand in the same position as the previous drill, the feeder will toss the ball up to begin the drill, just as before. In order to “fake out” the defender the worker will sprint forward at an angle in order to cut off the player and received the ball.
Cone Trap
This netball attacking drill has three players as well, but instead of a feeder, the third member is a defender. While standing 10 feet apart and between two cones, the attacker will try to dodge forward to try and block the worker that is standing approximately 15 feet away. The defender will attempt to stop the attacker, but has to do so in less than three seconds. This is a perfect drill to prepare for games since you can only possess the ball for three seconds.