This drill involves having three cones, 2 players, and a ball to complete the drill. The setup involves placing each cone about 10 feet apart and having a player who intends to go first, to stand at the middle of cone. The player who will be passing the ball should stand approximately 15 feet away and begin the game by passing the ball towards the right cone. While the player runs to catch the ball, receiving player should practice landing on their outside foot. To increase difficulty, the cones can be moved back more than 15 feet.
2 or more than 2 players face one another almost 10 feet apart from each other. One of the players starts doing different foot movements like jogging hopping, sliding or jumping. They use different patterns and the task of the opposite player is to try and copy and/or predict their pattern. After several minutes of practice, switch sides and make sure that every player gets the chance to try.
2 or more than 2 players are required to line up on the opposite side of the netball court from their assigned cones. As the coach blows the whistle and a starts the timer, each player is required to sprint towards their cone, slide around to the side assigned and then sprint back to their starting point. The drill needs to be repeated for both the left and right side and then analyze if the players are able to beat their time.
Furthermore, to increase the level of difficulty, the coach can add more cones. The can add sliding from 1 cone to another or running around the cones in a figure 8 before a player begins to sprint back to their original position.
This emphasizes of this drill is placed on both balance and agility. After the coach divides the players into two separate lines, each player is made to stand approximately 30 feet apart from one another. The player positioned in the front will be passed the ball while running toward the opposite line. When the receiver is able to catch the ball and is able to lands on one foot he or she is supposed to yell the word “ice” and as the players trailing foot is landing on the ground, the player must yell the word “cream” and pass the ball to the opposing group. The drill is to be continued until and unless each and every player has had an opportunity to participate.
The drill involves have two feeders standing approximately 15 feet apart on each corner of the court. The worker will receive the ball and will begin to run to the left and pass the ball to the feeder that is diagonal from their position. As this pass takes place the receiver should use their outside foot to push off before they can receive the ball back and sprint to the opposite corner and pass to the other feeder.