When you have mastered all the basic, beginning skills for netball, it is time to take your drills and training to the next level.
Thus, listed below are a few fun and effective netball drills for players who are categorized as juniors but have gained the junior level training. By using these 5 drills and/or exercises, you will be able to kick your training into high gear. Always remember the words, practice makes perfect!
Conditioning: Follow The Leader
Getting your legs warmed up is very important because they take the brunt of the beating in netball. The players are required to line up in two separate parallel lines at each end of the court, almost 5 feet from each other. The assigned leader then begins with his or her choice of leg warm up, and can then switch it up, if desired, at each third of the. Once they leaders have gotten to the end of the court, they are required to jog back and the entire group repeats. After that specific round has been completed and is finished, the second person in the line is assigned the role of the leader, and so on and so forth until every team member has had an opportunity to go.
Passing: Fast Hands
In this drill, to warm up a player’s hands and body, as well as to get them used to quick reaction times, it is vital to attempt the fast hands drill.
One ball and 2 players are required to complete this exercise. Players will be standing approximately 10 to 12 feet away from each other. One player would be required to hold the ball, and the other’s hands should be placed at their sides. The player with possession of the ball will then chest pass the ball to the players who have their hands down. The player without the ball can move their hands to catch it, only once the pass is in process.
Defense: Monkey In The Middle
7 or more players are needed for this netball drill. The drill begins by players forming a circle that has 2 of their teammates in the centre. The players who are placed in the circle are required to pass the ball to each other using various different techniques while having to call out the recipient’s name. If the ball is intercepted, the player who tossed it would have to trade places with any of the players in the middle.
Shooting: Pass A Defender
In order to practice this shooting drill, one ball, 2 players and a single pole will be needed. One of the players will be positioned as the defender and the other will be given the position of the shooter. The goal of the shooter is to overcome the arms of the defender by attempting to make the shot, and this can be repeated until 10 shots are made. This is the most useful drill for critiquing shooting technique.
Footwork: Jailbreak
This drill does not only encourage junior’s fast footwork, but it also helps implement defensive actions. The players are required to create two circles within a 30-foot by 30-foot square which will be made using cones. Once in the circles, have the team inside the circle run clockwise and the team placed outside circle is asked run counter clockwise. Another player or the team coach should yell the word “jailbreak” and the players who compose the inside circle must make an attempt and try to escape the square. Points are given as members escape. In order to increase this drills difficulty level, time how long each team takes to escape.