The game begins by creating 2 parallel lines using players. The 2 players positioned in the front should be holding a ball and stand facing the passer that is far away and requires long passes. To start, the passer should throw the ball to the player who is in the front. She or he would then throw the ball right back to the passer and “bobs” down. Each player standing in line would follow suit until and unless the last player receives the ball. Other than throwing the ball back to the passer, she/he runs with the ball and is required to exchanges spots. The passer needs to then run to the front of the line, and as for the rest of the team, they stand up and start the cycle again. The time when the original passer runs back to his or her starting place, the game is over and the team yells the word, “finished”. The ball has to be caught!
Chase the tail
Three players link by holding on to one another’s waists, in a line formation. Each teammate that is not standing in line will try and tag the last player in the snake formation while the task of the two players in the front will be to try and defend them.
Hunting Tag
This is a “hunting” game, as the title suggests, that operates much like tag. By dividing the players into two separate teams, the coach will pick a group that will be assigned the title of prey and one that that will be called the hunters. The hunters will start with the ball, and try to get the members of the other team. A “prey” team player can only be taken by a hunter who has the ball. Play this game under the normal netball rules.
Hunting – Group
This is somewhat similar to the game, chase the tail and also hunting Tag. The team that is the hunting-group takes on the characteristics of both. The game requires players to use one or two thirds of the court. The person who is “it” will attempt to tag other players in the game. After they have tagged the players, link their hand with the hunter while they try to tag other players. Each player will links their hands as they are tagged until by the end there is only one player remaining.
Look out
Half of the players will be placed in the middle third and other half in the goal third. Both teams will be given the same amount of balls, either four to six. Each member will be required to throw the ball into their opponent’s third while also attempting to snatch the balls which are coming from their opponents. In this game, bounce passes will not allowed.