To help the players with improving their fielding skills and making good throws in the ground, Bucket of ball drill is used frequently. This drill is a fun competition and keeps the players engaged to win the game. To prepare for the game, you would need an inner area with bases and a bag full of balls. It is preferable to use the bucket which would assist the players in making the throws. All in field positions will be filled by the players except for the position of the pitcher.
To start the game, you would require at least five players in the field. However more than five players can be accommodated in the game. The drill will work as a normal standard in field drill. Each player ought to be placed at one respective position. All the balls you have, should be emptied near the home plate. Before you initiate the game, count the balls as to keep the track of the number of balls you have lost. The bucket we mentioned in the beginning should be placed in the foul territory next to the third base area.
You would start the game by hitting the baseball to the ground to the third baseman while he throws to the first. The first baseman will throw the ball to the catcher who will further pass it to the third baseman. The third baseman is supposed to put the ball in the bucket. After the completion of first round, the ground ball will go to the SS who will throw it to the first, the ball then moves to the catcher who will pass on to the second, the second will throw to the third and again it will be in the bucket. It continues until all the balls will be in the bucket.