Why do you need to work on your speed?
Obviously, nobody likes waking up in the morning and going for a quick run unless you’re actually training yourself for a race or an athlete. But really, Racing isn’t just for athletes. Running helps you in a lot of things other than helping you win a race.
Speed is very important. We all have obviously heard that running burns calories and it’s a fact! Running does help you gain a proper body shape, helps with the calories burns but if you have to burn down 100 calories you need to run a mile. What if you have speed? You can run a mile in no time and burn your calories faster! That’s a bonus. Quick run, quick calorie burn!
Like it’s said above running helps to keep your muscles flexed and tight. It helps with the glutes, tightens your leg muscles, especially calves, it’s a great exercise for your hips and shoulders as hands are moved simultaneously. You lose your body fat and get in shape and just by running?!
Probably the best thing for all the lazy people who have never used their gym membership card after that one time.
The best factor of all is that running increases your stamina. You need to run longer and faster every day. Burn calories, increase stamina. So, if someday you’re going for a marathon you don’t have to think twice because you’ve got what it takes so even if you hate running fast or you don’t have speed you can enjoy the fitness gains and watch your body transform!