If you’re just starting out with golf and struggling with aiming your shots and hitting long range, here are a few drills you can practice on the green to polish your skills and improve your overall game.
Practice aiming with your irons on the range
A good drill that you can try out is find the most efficient way to aim at targets that are far away. To aim, visualize an imaginary line between the ball and the target. Pick a target on that line that’s six to seven feet away from you and square the club towards that target and take your stance to swing. Practice this at the range regularly to improve your long distance aim.
Swing half speed on the range to fix a hook shot
Practice swinging your club at half speed to help fix your hook shot. This makes sure that you do not have an unnecessarily fast arm swing. Work on swinging your arms a little slower and turning your body aggressively to finish the shot. Ensure you shift your weight to your front foot as your club is descending and make sure your hips turn all the way through. This will make sure you hit the ball with an open club-face.
Experiment with different grips
You need to identify which grip works best for you on the range. A good way to do this is to practice different grips and hit a few swings to really feel the difference they make on your shot. Experiment with different grip pressures while keeping your arms relaxed to identify the optimum pressure for you. Explore different options until you find a grip that maximizes your club speed and gives you good clubface control.