Begin remaining on one leg. Bounce from side to side, exchanging legs as though you were jumping over a puddle or speed skating. Swing your arms side to side touching the inverse arm to the inverse standing leg, letting your body down to do as such.
For ice-skating;
Primary Muscle Groups: Quads, Hamstrings, Calves
Secondary Muscle Groups: Glute Max, Hip Flexors, Rhomboids
Required Equipment: No Equipment
Pushups are one of the best exercises for ice-skaters. Simply get into a plank position with your arms straight and hands a bit wider than shoulder-width. Lower your torso until your elbows form a 90-degree angle and push back up. Keep your neck neutral.
Next is 1 2 burpees. Start in a staggered fight stance. Plant your hands on the ground and shoot your legs out to form a plank. Bring your legs back in, plant both feet on the ground and return to your staggered fight stance. Throw two straight punches, left then right. Again!
Lastly, 4 squared single leg hops. Stand on one leg with the other leg bent at 90 degrees in front of you and your hands on your hips. Create an imaginary square around you. Hop on one leg to each of the four corners, hopping back to the middle before proceeding to the next corner. Switch legs half way through the exercise!