Warming Up
The game should always start with warm up because they are very important. The warm up drills can be of many types, such as triangle run, ball up or 3:3 position play. In ball warm up, players have a ball each and go through different dribbling variations as instructed by the coach. This gets your players running while also improving their hand-eye coordination.
Center Shot
To practice the center shot, left handers must shoot with their right foot in front and right handers shoot with their left foot in front. As you wind up to shoot get your hand at the same height as your shoulder and then pull the ball backwards. Your forearm should form a 90-degree angle with your upper arm. Your hip turns together with the hand behind the ball with your fingers slightly spread apart. The final step is to throw the ball with a large force and moving your weaker foot forward with the throw.
The “hit the dragon’s tail” is one amazing drill to learn the center shot after practicing the center shot technique. White players must attempt to hit the last player of the “mythical beast” (the four blue players in the center are the winged serpent). Players in the winged serpent hold each other’s hips or shoulders and attempt to maintain a strategic distance from the ball. Keeping in mind the end goal to hit the back of the winged serpent the white players must pass the ball rapidly around the circle. The ball is not permitted to travel further from one player at once.
Jump Shot
The best jump shot technique is “cross over and score”. The player on the far right goes to the player in the center. The player then crosses with the player on the left who tackles objective. After getting the ball B2 bluffs as if to go to one side, yet changes to one side to cross with B3. B3 first feints to begin to the left, however rapidly sprints to one side to cross with B2, gets the ball and tosses it at the objective.
“Double trouble – back screening” starts with blue player 4 tosses the ball wide to blue player 3 and gets the arrival pass. Now blue player 1 ought to position themselves within red player 1 utilizing the back screen. Blue player 4 propels with the ball towards red player 1 and after that, hurries to one side, making utilization of blue player 1’s screen. Blue player 4 ought to then set a back screen before red player 2 before going to blue player 1 who is presently open and unmarked, for them to shoot on goal.