Nascar or race car drill is a type of dribbling drill played in soccer. It is an especially fun dribbling drill for much younger players. Players ranging between the ages of 6 to 14 are most likely taught or trained using this type of drill.
This soccer drill has a very simple and basic setup. The setup involves 4 to 12 players in an area or the field. Each of the players will be provided with a soccer ball of their own.
The game will begin when the coach shouts out the line, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines”. This will be a sign for all the players to begin to tap the top part of their soccer ball with the bottom of their cleats around 10 times. Next, the players have to wait for the coach to present the next command. This will be when the coach shouts out the words ‘first gear’. This is an indication for the players to begin to dribble their soccer balls slowly. The next command will be when the coach shouts out the words ‘second gear’. Now, this is a sign for the players to dribble their soccer balls a little bit faster. When they hear the coach yell out the words ‘Third gear’, they will begin to dibble the soccer balls slightly faster than before. Lastly, when the coach yells out the words ‘Fourth gear’, the played will have to be dribbling the soccer balls as fast as they possibly can. There is a chance that the penalties can be placed. This can occur when two players in the game ‘crash’ which results in their soccer balls contacting or touching each other. The penalty could include having the players who’s balls “crashed”, do five or more pushups outside the circle.
Variations in this nascar drill can include the coach shouting or yelling the word ‘reverse’ which would be an indication for everyone to reverse the direction of their car as well as ‘downshifting’ or changing their speed from fast back to slow.