Reaction Drill
To begin, all players are required to space out in one goal third and have to stand around 2 meters away from one another in all directions and they have to all face towards the coach who should be standing in the middle of the circle with the ball. Then on the signal by the coach, the players are required to “fast feet” on the spot while watching the ball and when the coach moves the ball around, the players are supposed to react and move their arms in the same direction as the ball.
Shuttle Running
First players are required to run diagonally toward the first center 3rd transverse lines corner while they kick their feet up towards their behind. The next part of the drill involves players bending from their knees and jumping into the air while raising the arms above their heads in a full stretch and they will repeat the process for five times. Then, the players have to side step across the transverse line in order to get to the other side of the court and then have to face the base line from which they began at. The players, once at the corner, must perform 10 star jumps following a run with their knees up in front at a 90 degree angle all the way to the diagonal corner. They must then side step across the transverse line all the way to the other side of the court and have to face the opposite side as before. They should stand about feet width apart once they are at the corner, with their arms out to their side and continue to turn their upper body side to side, while making sure to twist from the hips and the waist and continue to do this ten times at a slower pace. Then players are required to slowly shuffle run to the last diagonal corner using little and light feet. Once they are at the corner finally, they have to do a sprint along the base line and then down towards the side line and then all the way back to the start.
Zig Zagging
This drill is performed by positioning two players at the line up at the bottom corner of the court with the front player, at the line, being assigned the role of the leader whom the other players must follower. There should be approximately 1 to 2 meter gap between each player.
The leader has to sprint along the baseline and run with his or her knees up diagonally to the first thirst line. They have to then kick their ankles backwards along the same line and sidestep towards the second third corner. Players are then required to jog backwards along the same line and jog to the back corner diagonally. Next step is to dodge along the baseline and then lastly, they have to sprint at a 3 quarter pace again, diagonally, all the way back to their original beginning spot.