Dizzy Passing
In order to carry out this drill, all players are asked form a circle with a passer who will be positioned in the center. A ball is to be given to the passer who is in the center of the circle and one ball to any one of the players forming the circle.
The passer who is in the middle will pass to the player standing on the right of the player who is holding the second ball and simultaneously the other player would have to pass their ball to the passer in the middle.
This will continue on until the balls have been made to go through two full rotations of the circle formed. After this, the passer in the centre will be switched with another player.
The 4 Corner Pass
This netball passing drill requires a total of 4 players to form a square. Each player will be asked to stand at each corner of the square. A fifth player, who will be the attacking player, is positioned in the centre of the square with a ball.
The task of the attacking player is to drive, cut and use the area which is inside of the square until they have passed and as well as received from each corner player at least two times. The rule of the game is that the attacking player cannot pass the ball to the same player twice in a row.
Fast Hands
This is a passing drill which is designed to get the players used to making very quick passes and also helps players to improve their reaction time.
The coach needs to pair up players and hand over a ball to one player from each pair. Then, they should have the other player standing just a few yards away from them; with their hands down their sides and having them face their partner. The player with the ball has to pass it to the second player and as soon as the pass is being made, the second player has to quickly bring up their hands in an attempt to catch the ball. The roles are then switched and the game continues
See Saw
This netball drill involves a total of three players and a single ball. It starts by placing two players at the horizontal points of a made up T. Below the imaginary T stands the passer.
The task of the passer is to pass at the middle of the T where one player is positioned who has to drive in for the ball and then pass it back. They have to then drive back to their starting or original spot.
The player who is placed at the bottom of the T has to then pass the ball back and this time the other player drives in and they have to pass the ball back to the player positioned at the bottom.