Drop Pass (2 Players):
To conduct this drill, players run from both sides. 2 makes a pass to 1 and then skates to the wall. 1 then passes it back to 2 who skates up the ice. 1 follows 2 who makes a drop pass to 1. 2 then becomes the new back as he loops back. 1 takes an extensive shot and then returns to the opposite line.
3 and 4 then conduct the same drill over on the other side.
3 pass Blizzard:
This drill starts with F1 skating rapidly to the blue line on the other side, making a turn and gets a pass from the coach. F2 skates over to the top of the circle, below to the far circle before skating down the boards.
F3 creates a full circle about the nearest circle and skates down the nearest boards.
F1 does a direct one touch pass over to F3 who then does a swift headman pass to F2. All three of them thus conduct a 3 on 0 rush.
Shot with a Double Chip:
This drill begins as described and shown in the figure below:
1 skates over to the blue line and tosses the puck to 3 who makes a shot into the goal.
This drill is conducted from both sides. 1 converts to 2 and 2 converts to 3.
The players have to time the passes and circle about their area.
Indirect Pass to a Moving Player:
The players have to line up as shown in the figure. The player carrying the puck skates about the net and into the circle. The receiver skates about the ice and up to the neutral zone. An indirect pass is then made to where the receiver will be.
Point to be noted: this drill seems simple but can be a failure if the player does not get a feel to make the indirect pass or it could be too strong a feel and then he will go quite ahead of the receiver or he could be too soft and then be behind get the receiver.