When you’ve learned the basics of snowboarding and you feel at home on a snowboard, not its time to take it to the next level. Below are some tips for intermediate level snowboarders.
While boarding, a good posture is on what everything else is built on. If your posture is taut, you will not only look awkward, but also your body is also going to start aching pretty soon. Snowboarding should be done in a comfortable posture and when you get your posture right, the rest will fall in place too. The right position is when the width of your feet is perfect on the board. The right position is when your feet stand just a tad broader than your hips so that you have the maximum space for movement and to be able to control your snowboard. Your knees should bend slightly and your arms should be loosely put to your sides when you’re standing on the board.
Regulating Speed:
If you have a tough time regulating your speed and holding the edges, then you need to work on smoothening your carving turns when heading up the slope at the finish of each turn to decline your speed.
Carving Turns:
You should carve turns are done when you plant the corners of the board into the snow instead of just gliding the board about on a flat surface. Carved turns are more swift and don’t let the board slip so you have lesser chances of catching an edge and falling face down into the snow.
Carving is also used when rotating off jumps, in doing half pipes and also while riding.
Practice, practice, practice:
Because practice makes perfect. You cannot expect to improve unless you give it as much time as possible. The more you practice, the better you get and the more you can impress everyone.