The sunball drill helps the players an opportunity to learn getting fly balls that go into the sun. the equipment used for the drill is gentler preparing balls, tennis balls and baseballs. The balls will vary with the age group you’re playing with.
To start with, match players up and have them remain around 15 – 20 yards apart. Position the players so the sun is straightforwardly behind one player.
Remind players to look underneath their glove for the ball as it gets in the sun. Have every player toss a couple fly balls and afterward switch
The player with the sun on his back will toss the ball to the next player as a fly ball, attempting to curve it so it will be in the sun for the other player. The player handling the ball will utilize his glove to ensure his eyes are covered and will then catch the fly ball.
If the fly ball is above the sun, you should shield your eyes with gloves when you are running. Once the ball has dropped into the sun, change to protect your eyes with the base of your glove. You will look under your glove for the ball to drop out of the sun. Many players commit the error of searching the highest point of the glove for the ball. This is not recommended as it is descending, it will be obviously first underneath the glove. On the off chance that you investigate the highest point of the glove, you may never observe it.
Playing the fly ball in sun is considered to be the most difficult of the outsider games and therefore, you need to be careful about it. Though because its difficult and challenging, the players enjoy the game most.